It’s been a while since the Dallas Mavericks won the MBA Championship. While there are still signs posted near the arena proclaiming them as the 2011 World Champions, the buzz and pride felt in the city has faded like a wilting flower in this summer’s 100+ degree heat. The Mavericks were seen as the “underdogs” in the finals and with each victory, came the renewed hope that they just make take it “all the way.” They were victorious in spite of the fact they were not playing on their home court. They returned to
"...all these veterans cheering us? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running and never quit!"
In a few short weeks, Sunshine After Rain Ministries will return to
“I never thought that God knew me by my name. Now I know that my name is important and God knows me and calls me by my name, I will live by this.”
“I always knew that I should love others. Knowing this, I really loved my husband, my children, my friends and my neighbors. But what surprised me is that my love had boundaries and I need to also love myself.”
“The joy was seen in the women at Olokii where 150 Bibles were distributed. There were some women who really were in need of reading the Word of God, but had no Bibles.”
"This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life or death fight to the finish against the devil and all his angels."
I know we will not return home to a parade or gathered crowds of people singing. But this I do know, there is a cloud of witnesses in heaven that is cheering on our mission. They are cheering for the obedience to the call of Christ, “Go, make disciples.” They are eager to see the women and lay workers encouraged to build up the local body of believers. They don’t care about the Dallas Mavericks, but they do care about the thousands of lost souls living in Zanzibar under the veil of false gods. Less than 3% of the population identify themselves as Christians. It is an area the local evangelicals have been unable to penetrate. Our goal is to bring encouragement, discipleship and evangelism tools to help advance the territory of the King.
We appreciate the partnership you have faithfully offered. Now more than ever your financial contribution is critically needed and makes a significant impact:
$15 Sponsors one woman or church lay leader
$100 Sponsors Tea Break for conference attendees
$250 Sponsors One Lunch for conference attendees
$100 Sponsors overhead costs for Tanzania Leadership
To see an inspiring look at women of
We are looking for our true home and our true reward, for we know we are more than conquerors, we are more than MBA Champions. We are servants and children of the Most High God!
"How did they do it? They saw it way off in the distance, waved their greeting and accepted the fact that they were transients in this world. People who live this way make it plain they are looking for their true home."
Sunshine After Rain Ministries is a 501c3 organization. All donations are considered tax deductible. For more information or to make a donation by credit card online, please visit our website: