Is it a Sin?
Sabina's husband shared the cost of living is high here because of all the foreigners (brought in for the legal issues of the conflict). I was surprised and said, "There are still trials going on 16 years later?" "Of course," he said without hesitation.
Why does justice take so long?
"Attention! God calls out to the city! If you know what is good for you, you'll listen. So listen, all of you! This is serious business." Micah 6:9 The Message
Sometimes there is no sufficient human verbal answer to the God-sized problem of injustice, violence, and sin.
We took questions from the women during the conference break. Our experience has been they begin timidly, some will question Debi about parts of her testimony, but today was different. No one said anything. And then one woman sitting at the end of the row raised her hand halfway. The translation:
"Is it a sin to send my husband to
jail for beating me?"
She wasn't asking if her husband was sinning being physically violent. She was asking if she protected herself legally (it is illegal here for men to be violent against their wives) was SHE sinning?
You could have heard a pin drop and my heartbeat. I won't share all the scriptures I did with the women on the issue of violence and biblical marriage. But in this place, where tribunals are still working out the criminal and legal issues of the undisputed genocide it convicted me to think -
Is it a sin?
When we know about a horror and do nothing more than change the channel? What are we accountable for in the proverbial "Grand Scheme" of things?
The last part of each conference we pass out Gospel Bracelets and teach the women how to share the salvation message of Christ. I start by asking them if they know the verse John 3:16. Automatically all the attendants begin saying it in their language but understandable. It has the same cadence.
For God
So loved the world
That He gave
His only begotten Son
That whosoever believes in Him
Shall have everlasting life.
For most believers it is our first verse committed to memory. One of the requirements to learn in Sunday School. Like if that is the only verse we ever memorize, we're in.
There were several babies with their mothers in the room today. I asked if the attendants could tell me something about fire. "It is hot. It will burn you." And some other answers trickled in. I ask what the women would do if they saw the baby getting close to the fire? Of course the would pull her away. They chatter about the ridiculousness of the question that seems to confuse them.
Do you believe John 3:16?
Shaking their heads still a bit uncertain where this tall, strange looking women is leading. "Then why wouldn't you tell your neighbor, your cousin and all those you know don't understand the Salvation of Christ, "For God so loved the World?" Jude 23 says "snatch them from the fire (of hell).
Is it a sin?
To know
And do nothing?
Christ paid the penalty for the sin - but I grieve over knowing - and living. I am trying to do something. I praise God you have joined us. Your financial support got us here and your prayer support gives us the wisdom and discernment to share the hope of the Living God. The Truth, the Life and the only Way.
Seeking justice, loving mercy, and walking humbling in the jungles of Africa with my Lord,
Charlynn and Debi
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