We are no where close to anything familiar either. About the only thing recognizable from the airport lounge in Addis Abbaba was Sprite. But even that, served up in its miniature airport can, has English on one side and some undetermined foreign script on the other. I would guess Arabic from the curved lines with random dots, but it could just as easily be Greek or graffiti!
We are a long way from familiar. I had to smile when I heard Africans singing and chanting just outside the doorway. I'm not sure if they were "street performers" looking for tips from foreigners passing through or if they were just happy. No matter, it was a nice sound to welcome and remind me why this (Africa) is my favorite place on earth.
My companion turned and said, "Ah, there is something about the smell of the earth here. It is different, but it feels so "home." Birthplace of civilization indeed.
It wasn't until we had arrived in Frankfurt that our host in Tanzania sent the email with confirmation on our scheduled pick up. I had to share a nervous laugh about "not knowing where" these two "Abrahams" were going to wind up. Wednesday evening at the send-off prayer meeting the Pastor even quoted the verse. Prophetic? Well....
Now, several hours later we have arrived in Kilimanjaro and in the very dark night, on a very bumpy road we are making our way to Arusha. Originally, the email communicated we were going to stay at the airport until dawn. Apparently, the roads are dangerous to traverse after hours. However, the Pastor and driver decided there were enough other cars traveling into the town (60 km away) to allow safe passage.
There is what looks like a full moon in the night sky here illuminating our way. There was rain in Ethiopia when we landed, but it has passed and the night here is in the upper 60's.
We are 8 hours ahead of Central Standard Time. We have slept a bit, crumpled and cramped, but our luggage all arrived which is always a good sign.
This day (Saturday) we will rest, recover what we can of our time-shifting psyche and prepare for the 6 full days of conferences.
In that time we will have an opportunity to minister to over 650 women. We have Bibles and we have the love of Christ shed abroad in our hearts.
Praise God for our arrival
Praise God for the women we will be seeing
Praise God His Word does not return void
Praise God for the community of believers at Stults Road Church who sacrificed time by making over 700 Gospel bracelets for the attendees as well as the children of YBC Summer program who decorated over 700 name tags with scriptures.
Praise God we are One - here, there or anywhere the Lord sends.
More to come
There is always more with Him!
Charlynn and Debi in Africa
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