O Brother Where Art Thou?

"Oh Mother!" followed by a chuckle, emitted from the mouth of my youngest son G who had been relegated the duty to take my friend and I to the airport. Three huge bags of varying weights stood upright in my living room. The previous night we exchanged phone calls, "How much is yours weighing in?", "Right now I have one 58lb and a 52lb and a 64lb." My heart uttered a Delbert like voice (from O Brother Where Art Thou):

V's bag stood at a whopping 64lbs - even after she took out the aspirin and extra underwear (not that had to really lighten the load)! Oh well... we had money and were prepared to adopt our best missionary faces pleading to the inner humanitarian hidden under the blue Lufthansa uniform.
I diligently put my request before the King and everyone else, "I am OVERWEIGHT". We got results! They not only did not read the scales, they just set them on the conveyor belt, marked them priority and off they went! No matter what happens in India, the Father and our ultimate luggage handler just put $ in our account to cover what we may need.
We're awake, our plane is making a slow descent from 32,000 feet with an orange horizon beckoning out the window, "Wake up, the world is waiting. Wake up, your Master says, "Good morning", and He is singing.