He is Coming!
Up came her 8 year old daughter jumping up and down, "When's he going to be here? When? When?" Her mother reassured her, he was on the way. "Calm down, he'll be here." As our conversation started up again, just as suddenly as she was shushed, she started jumping and shouting, "I hear him, I hear him!"
I looked up toward the winding road that lead out of the Tapatio resort property; not a car in sight. Strangely, she was still jumping, grabbing the shirt sleeve of her mother. Her excitement could be contained no longer.
A few more seconds passed, when it became audible to "non-childlike" ears; the sound of a Ford F150 truck with a hemmi engine roaring through the rocky foothills and heading our way.
"My sheep hear My voice and they know Me." (See John 10)
Our first full day concluded with an evening performance by the Christian comedian Bob Smiley. I cannot begin to describe how loud the laughter was. The hoots, the howls and tears streamed down the faces of wounded, broken but hard core military personnel over some silly jokes.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."
For a small slice of time, there were no doctors, no nurses, no appointments or procedures, no high ranking officers that needed saluting. There was laughter and it was healing.
Tomorrow is another full day. Our speaker Dale Witwer will present the message of joy in Christ found through salvation. Pray for open hearts. The children's programs will be full of activity as well. There will be rock climbing, fishing, kayaking and more! The evening will conclude with a Harvest Festival and bonfire. Pray to the Lord for the Harvest.
Tonight, I was reading news of the President's speech at the UN referring to the "Israeli occupation of Palestine." My stomach turned and I said to my roommate, "What is going to happen now?" Then the Lord reminded me of a little girl, jumping up and down in the parking lot. She knew the sound of her daddy's car coming down the road a mile away. She couldn't wait to see him.
I see the work He is doing in the hearts of the soldiers and their families here. And I hear His engine revving as He is coming down the road.
Jumping up and down
Smiling and Childlike
Smiling and Childlike