Minor Prophets
Their books might have been only a few pages in what we call the Old Testament, but they were important men used to convey God's messages to His people.
Some of their names are barely pronounceable on our 21st century tongues: Amos is pretty easy but as for Habakkuk, Haggai, and Zephaniah, well... speaking in tongues or accents has never been one of my gifts.
I am thankful for the messages they left behind for our instruction and encouragement. I praise the Father that He is keeping those promises made countless thousands of years today.
"I'll bring you back home - a great family gathering! You'll be famous and honored all over the world. You'll see it with your own eyes - all those painful partings turned into reunions!" God's promise." Zephaniah 3:20 The Message
We arrived at the Semiluki orphanage late in the afternoon to join with the program arranged by Gennadiy and his team. As soon as we got out of the car, several children approached. Two young girls acting a bit shy, spoke to us from a distance. I kept looking at one of the girls. Her pageboy length hair was unfamiliar, and her voice was just barely above a whisper. Not many clues to signal who she was.
Until she smiled
The familiar dimples of one of my "queens" broke deep and wide across her face. I asked (through my interpreter Nastia) if she was the Queen? She giggled and nodded an affirmation.
Care EE ran over and hugged her BIG! "My queen, my queen, your loyal subject has returned."
His promise, "All those painful partings turned into reunions" was realized in the familiar embrace of a small girl, grinning
and glad to be remembered.
Many more to come
God's promise
Minor prophet
Major message
Thankfully smiling at both
Some of their names are barely pronounceable on our 21st century tongues: Amos is pretty easy but as for Habakkuk, Haggai, and Zephaniah, well... speaking in tongues or accents has never been one of my gifts.
I am thankful for the messages they left behind for our instruction and encouragement. I praise the Father that He is keeping those promises made countless thousands of years today.
"I'll bring you back home - a great family gathering! You'll be famous and honored all over the world. You'll see it with your own eyes - all those painful partings turned into reunions!" God's promise." Zephaniah 3:20 The Message
We arrived at the Semiluki orphanage late in the afternoon to join with the program arranged by Gennadiy and his team. As soon as we got out of the car, several children approached. Two young girls acting a bit shy, spoke to us from a distance. I kept looking at one of the girls. Her pageboy length hair was unfamiliar, and her voice was just barely above a whisper. Not many clues to signal who she was.
Until she smiled
The familiar dimples of one of my "queens" broke deep and wide across her face. I asked (through my interpreter Nastia) if she was the Queen? She giggled and nodded an affirmation.
Care EE ran over and hugged her BIG! "My queen, my queen, your loyal subject has returned."
His promise, "All those painful partings turned into reunions" was realized in the familiar embrace of a small girl, grinning
and glad to be remembered.
Many more to come
God's promise
Minor prophet
Major message
Thankfully smiling at both