We have entered into a world of acronyms. I learned a few of definitions in
During any given conversation, on a range of topics that might include even seemingly non-military activities like car pooling or grocery shopping, the acronyms will start flying faster than humming birds enjoying nectar. "Oh yeah my DEO took my FRA and then the STE said it would be okay. (I am making these up but you get the picture.)
In case you are unfamiliar with the terms, OIF was the first military action: Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the current action is OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom.
I like the concept; not in military terms but in reference to our daily fight of faith - enduring freedom. We fight against the unseen principalities of darkness for the eternal freedom of others. After the incident last night I assure you he IS out for blood!
The Keynote speaker, had so many great ones on endurance, and perseverance, I was determined to take notes so I could remember them to share (age strikes again). F.I.D.O. turned out to be my favorite, even though the Marines use it in the battlefield. When something doesn't go quite as expected, "Forget It - Drive On."
I have acted engaged when the acronyms started, but... it did give me a caveat when I shared with the women during our afternoon time of pampering.
I explained why those of us who are civilians may have had a glazed look in our eyes when they were talking. They laughed realizing how they do have a special "language" that gives them the ability to communicate a great deal of information effectively and efficiently. It IS the military after all.
I explained my hobbling and the night I had. As they were listening, it felt worth the pain to share the pleasure of a good belly laugh. Then I gave them an acronym they didn't know. P.U.S.H.
Pray Until Something Happens
Be assured there is never any doubt, or discount of the importance of what YOUR prayers do for me personally and the work of the ministry. This side of heaven you and I will never know what the impact our intercession has had for others.
"Take the old prophets as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a gift life is to those who stay the course." 1 Peter 5
These events are referred to as "getaways" because soldiers and Marines NEVER retreat. We could all take a lesson from them.
Resting, knowing the best fighting position is on my knees. I did not learn that working with the military, I learned it from the Leader of the Heavenly Hosts making war on our behalf.