Texas Hold 'em

"We left everything and followed You, what do we get out of it?" Matthew 19:27 The Message

It's now been months since I have crossed the ocean. I have definitely felt a holding pattern regarding international outreaches. But as soon as next week I could be on an east bound plane headed off to India to practice pure religion undefiled!

"Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father is this: reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight." James 1:27 The Message

Other versions translate the passage: "look after orphans and widows in their distress," and that is exactly what this next trip is about. Its been almost 4 years since I've been to Kodaikanal to visit the infant girls of Ashirya Orphanage who were rescued from death by evangelist Sony Prince. Four years doesn't seem like much at my age, but the tiny tots we visited that year are now school age!

There are many details that must come together before Vicki Mullins (East West International Director of Children and Orphan Ministry)and I can pack our bags.

Pleas join with us TODAY praying for wisdom, discernment and direction. We are "setting the fleece" (Judges 6:37-40) knowing our God hears and answers!

We are "ALL IN" let the chips fall where they may!

To participate financially with the work of Sunshine After Rain Ministries, please visit our website to make a tax deductible donation online: www.sunshineafterrain.org
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