An Other Land

I am finalizing my packing today. I try and leave one day free for the unexpected before I take off into the wild blue yonder. But the winter skies over Texas have been a dull gray lately; nothing blue about them, and I have aged-out of "wild." The "yonder" I am always ready for.

This morning I felt as though I was having a bout of S.A.D. (Seasonal Affected Disorder) caused by lack of sunshine. "Oh me, oh my, why can't the sun just shine." As I was pondering this dilemma, I realized the absolute hopelessness of those without the Son. Their dismay doesn't stem from clouds, but the spiritual darkness that imprisons them.

As I have told friends I am going to Mexico, this look comes across their faces. "You're kidding right? Don't you know how dangerous it is there?" Then, they stifle a laugh realizing what they just said, all while quickly correcting themselves by acknowledging most places I go are considered "dangerous."

It is a new year, and Chiapas, Mexico is a new territory the Father has opened the door for me to step through. I will be traveling with the Director of Orphan Minstry at East West International to prepare for future teams to serve there.

" us courage instead of fear, and faith instead of fright. He's the One who "every year you grow, you will find bigger." Prince Caspian Book 2 Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis

Over Christmas, I took a suitcase full of books for the orphanage in Ghana. I included The Chronicles of Narnia series as well as a companion book to help parents explain the "hidden" allegories for their children. As I was packing up and thumbing through the explanation volume, I thought, "Wow, I wish I would have had this explained to me when I read it." Needless to say when I returned I ordered a copy for myself.

It was refreshing to read some of the passages (above and below) with a fresh perspective. Every year my prayer is to see God in a bigger way in the places and people I experience. I pray to show and to share His story in a fresh light. I pray to ignite passion for the lost. I pray to set captives of deception free by the truth of salvation. I pray to give the sight of God's overwhelming love to those blinded by poverty of spirit. I pray to take the hand of those made lame by crippling circumstance and help them rise to praise the God who heals. I pray to grow in grace.

I pray.

"This is the very reason why you were brought to Narnia," Aslan says to the children, "that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there." Voyage of the Dawn Treader Book 3 Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis

I pray to know the Lion of Judah better in the land of Mexico.

Listening for the roar!

To participate financially with our outreach in Mexico, please visit our website:

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