"...we were like them that dream..."

It's WILD here! What can I say other than praise the Lord and pass the biscuits! I was excited thinking we had a mere two hours left on the long long long road. Did I tell you - it was a long way. I sent off an updated prayer request for the first day of the conference and just as I hit the "send" button on my dying Blackberry, the Reverend pulled the car over at the round-about of a bustling town. What?

"I heard a noise," he informed us and stepped out of the car. After gunning the engine (thinking it was a branch or something) the gasket of the radiator blew off, smoke billowed out and "THAT" as the saying goes, "was that!"




"...our mouths were filled with laughter."

Internally, I said to the enemy that seemed to be hot on our heels, now stuck in the radiator, "IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT? REALLY?" And then in the next few minutes, I sent out the URGENT UPDATE and once again the WORLD (or at least my praying portion) responded! I was reading them out to my companions, "China's on it! Russia just checked in. The United States is just waking up but don't worry, we are covered."

And although I know prayer works anywhere - only in Africa would your radiator blow up right next to a repair shop AND the mechanic drop what he was doing and come to assist you!

Go God!

Within an hour we were on our way, back through the forests, hills, valleys, and finally the mountains that would take us to Njombe. We arrived at the School for the Deaf (our seminars location) just after sunset and were greeted by the Diocese Bishop and the Director. We were late, things were a bit too formal for my patience, given what we had just been through, and this American girl was ready to get the show on the road! After a FIVE day journey I had "ants in my pants" that were now hidden by the skirt I unceremoniously put on in the car.

After twenty minutes of swapped Swahili, everyone finally stood. The Director of Women's ministry for the country said, "Now we are marching." I stepped out into the pitch black African night and tried not to fall. A group of seminar participants were waiting for us, and then they began...

"...our tongues with songs of joy..."

Their hands clapped rhythmically, as their bodies rocked and swayed to the tune they offered for our procession. There was only one word of the song I understood, "Amen."

"...Then it was said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them..."

I was thankful for the darkness because I was overcome with tears. Amen indeed!

"...The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.*"

I'm sure you don't need a reminder to PRAY! Something big is bound to be in the works, and we know what that means.

Singing myself to sleep
With "a song of the Redeemed
Rising from the African plains"**
And yes, I do have a smile,

*verses from Psalm 126 - a Pilgrim Song of Ascent

**He Reigns by Phillips, Craig and Dean

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