
We have learned to “flex”! Thursday was a day we originally planned to see the Semiluki children for a second time, but G and his team were starting their winter program camp that day and wanted us to visit and see his group working with the teens as well as do a short form of our regular program. Since all the kids would be 16 to 18 years old CARE EE took a rest.

V asked if I wanted to do a short opening and I felt impressed to share the “Monkeys, Brains and the Peanut Butter Cracker Revelation” (see ARCHIVE APRIL 2006 - April 18) story to facilitate a talk on “warnings”, temptation and judgment. The expressiveness of the BEWARE OF MONKEYS held their attention, made them laugh, but also brought out the illustration the “signs” and laws the Bible contains are not to prevent us from fun and adventure, but to protect us from harm. When it was over, my interpreter shared she watched the boys to see if they lost interest when things turned “religious”, and reported they really kept listening and heard what lessons were being told in a way they can laugh about – but remember. Who would have thought the adventures of A and his monkeys would become the stuff of LEGENDS!

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