Monday Monday Can't Touch That Day
Here on the other side of the world
Today began with a terrible rainstorm, (we are in the jungle region in central Sri Lanka) and as I made my way through the darkness I saw something strange in the bathroom blocking my way to the facilities. Was it alive, was it my imagination, was it...? As I stared (and danced) at the object it did move - ahha ALIVE - so I grabbed the towel hanging on the rack only to discover there was an equally large cockroach in the folds of my supposed weapon. I am still dancing and praying and trying to figure out an answer to my dilmena.
The hotel staff came and extracated the insects, sprayed heavily and all is okay for now. The program at the Anglican Church went very well - I told the story of the Three Trees to a congregation of around 200. The Harvest is white here and Christian evangelicals are asking the body of Christ across the globe for an increase.
YOU are a part of that BODY - YOUR prayers are being heard and answered. Today we return to two schools I visited in July. The weather is abdomindable which makes the driving even scarier if that`s possible.
Praise be to the God who hears and ANSWERS the prayers and petitions of the saints!
Soaked in Sri Lanka
But smiling in His service