"Right Far..."

I thought about the movie "Spencer's Mountain" as the plane approached the sprawling city of Los Angeles. I checked the seat pocket in front of me, and handed the half-eaten pretzels, smashed plastic cup and used napkin to the stewardess making her way down the aisle.

I put my seat back "into an upright position" and checked my pocket for my passport and the next flight's boarding pass. As I flipped through the worn over-stamped pages, the passenger who had crowded me all flight infringing frequently and liberally asked "are you going on farther?"

It was then, with the lights twinkling in the distance I thought of Spencer's Mountain. The eldest son of an eldest son in a mountain mining family was boarding a bus bound for his future. The first one to go off to college.

He made his way to the last seat, the bench at the back, under the expansive window. He sat down and looked back at - his mother and father and his 9 brothers and sisters, standing in the road waving a tearful goodbye. As the bus drove away leaving his family in the dusty country road, his co-passenger turned to him and asked a similar question as mine just did...

"going far son?"

To which he replied "right far"

Each time I leave for one of these destinations missions for the King - I see the journey and I think "I am going "right far""!

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