Crappy Wrapper
I admit without chagrin, I AM a crappy wrapper! I never have been good at, even when I used straight-edged rulers, a perfectly flat surface, good ribbon and bows (as opposed to reused or Dollar Store ones). My packages never look that pretty.
This year I didn't even make an attempt when I sent out presents to my friends and family before leaving for Africa. I just stuck them in a padded envelope and sent them into the ocean of millions of other packages crisscrossing the nation.
I am a crappy wrapper, but I am a good "giver."
"God loves it when the giver delights in the giving." 2 Corinthians 9:7
I just finished wrapping up the last of the packages to go underneath my friends' Christmas tree. I wrapped everything but the hot sauce. I thought it would be fun for them to actually unwrap the things I brought; some were requested, but there will surely be some surprises too.
As we walked past the 10' tall evergreen (ever ready artificial) my friend remarked, "I think this is the first time packages have ever been under the tree."
To hear that was a delight to this warped wrapper. My children encouraged me to quit wrapping long ago. "Mom, we just tear the paper up. Why do you want to spend the time?" I suppose I just wanted the meager (in expense) items I had for them to look like a lot. Except for the fact, I'm a crappy wrapper!
I brought my own supplies: tape, scissors and of course paper that I wound up fighting with, cutting crooked, creasing poorly, and tearing accidentally. It supports the U2 singer Bono's non-profit for Africa (RED). On it are words containing the word red in parenthesis. I think it has a message to remember even if I didn't do such a good job.
Admir(red): as we give to those we admire, may we remember the One who admires us
Ado(red): may we remember the gift of Christ we received because the Creator adores us
Treasu(red): may we remember the greatest treasure is the priceless blood shed for our redemption
Inspi(red): may we be inspired to "Go Tell it on the Mountains
Enamo(red): may we fall deeper in love in the coming year with the King we serve
Kind(red): may we understand the kindred Spirit of our brothers and sisters around the world, when they suffer - we suffer
Sha(red): may we mindful to share with others from our place of plenty. No matter how the economy has impacted your circumstances, many millions in our world go to bed hungry
Chee(red): may we be cheerleaders of the disenfranchised in the coming days. A victory was planned for us through Christ's birth - that is something to cheer about
Inc(red)ible: may we praise God for His indescribable gift to us
Who is, Who was and is to come, would have appeared to the world to be a crappy wrapper.
He wrapped His only begotten Son in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manager.
Following His example!
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