This Little Light O' Mine

“… Go into the villages and town and preach the good news…” Luke 9:6

Our long ride back to the city of Hubli had its diversions. We stopped to see the waterfalls and long suspension bridge that ran the breadth across the river. As we walked across we saw multitudes of women washing their clothes on the rocks, beating them and then laying them out across the sandstone to dry.

Our afternoon arrival in the city gave us time to unpack, unwind and prepare for the village meeting. the programs are well orchestrated and choreographed. The van stops just outside the village - we pile out, the missionaries carrying the equipment, drums and tambourines. The Pastor begins singing, the drum beat keeps time with our measured steps and waves of hello and invitation to the villagers as we pass by. Even though the light is at a minimum - with our white faces and strange clothes we are beacons of an unusual nature to these simple people.

"purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." Titus 2:14

The missionaries carry the equipment to the village center, attach our "spotlight" to a light pole and tap into the electric current by tying their wires into the source. How it works without shocking or igniting, I'll never be able to understand - but when the power is on the loudspeakers pointed down the streets - the praise of the Living God invites all to come.

"We have found the one Moses wrote about... come and see" John 1:45

Again, I felt like the Pied Piper calling out - people sitting outside on their porches picked up their babies and walked behind us. By the time the equipment is set, the spotlight is on and the praise music starts there are always scores of children eagerly waiting, watching to see what we will do, say or give them. they enjoy the show, the intermittent flash of the camera and at the "altar call" - most raise their hands.

It may seem a bit overstated to say most respond and repeat the Pastor's proclamation of the sinner's prayer - but it is no greater or less than responses in stadiums around the world when and international evangelist appears on the scene.

I'm not comparing our stories, tricks or testimonies to Billy Graham - but the same Spirit that is working during an altar call before 50,000 is working in the small villages in India. And the same "Chariots of Fire" that stood surrounding Elijah and his people are battling in the heavenlies as we preach and pray before the Hindu temples built to honor the hundreds of demonic idols the dwellers bow down to.

"There are more on our side than on their side... Elisha prayed, "Oh God open his eyes"... and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man , and he saw... the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire!" 2 Kings 6:17

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