fallow ground

Today is the final day of performance in the University. Yesterday, I performed back to back for four hours, traveling from J's class (near their home on campus) to D's class (30 minutes away by treacherous taxi) back to J's class. It was hectic to say the least.

This morning, the last two performances will be in J's class - a short (but interesting - with lots of looks from students) walk away.

In one session yesterday a student questioned "what is your motivation for this type of work?" Again, I had the privilege to share openly the good news. The message the Bible teaches about "the least of these" and another seed was planted, soil tilled, fallow aethistic ground broken.

I continue to need prayer for my health on this home stretch. Everyday, from now until I leave on Wednesday will be filled with meetings and performances. (Saturday - public performance for 400! Sunday - orphanage in Jinan - Monday - orphanage in Beijing - Tuesday - University in Beijing).

It is no wonder SARS was such a big scare here. Public spitting is common and culturally acceptable (even in classrooms - doctoral candidates will lean over their desk and spit on the floor)! Bacteria and virus' flying this time of year and my need for stamina is at its highest.

The Harvest is ripe, the worker can't be sick for maximum sowing!
Thanks for keeping up with the clown in China.

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