what is...

most important in your life?

A question posed by one of the doctoral candidates in class today. And the $64,000 dollar answer was...

"My relationship with God - of course"

Tuesday was the first day of my performances at the University. The 100+ students in each of the two classes were enthusiastic and watching with careful consideration at the tricks and listening to the underlying message of the stories. They took great pride in acting out the tales of the "Little Apple Tree" and "The Wise King and the Baby Bee". Much laughter was heard, smiles and many thanks as they left the classroom.

Today, for three hours 100 more students had an opportunity to ask questions for the first hour, watch me transform into the "clown" the second, and sit mesmerized at the final hour's performace. It was during the question and answer time, one student said "you are quite a kind person to do so many things for orphans and people who are poor, but what is the most important thing to you? What is the criteria your organization uses to choose where you are to go - there are many needs in the world?"

This is what coming to China is all about. Providing an avenue for deeper questions to be asked - and answered freely. A time for future reflection on why would someone choose this lifestyle of serving others. While language may pose some barriers, for this level of students - many in their 30's and 40's - life has "happened" to them. They have seen and known real suffering and hardships. They reflect on the "why" - they want answers for the "what...

is most important"

for us all

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