For My Sake

"We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?" Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth anyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for My sake will receive a hundred times as much..." Matthew 19:27-29

Yesterday, we received some sad news from back home. The passing of a dear friend. Both of our hearts are to be with the family and friends that will be celebrating his home-going this weekend. Yet we find ourselves a thousand miles away in the harvest field.

As we were praying for comfort and peace for our friends' loss I was reminded of this verse. For the sake of His name we have gone into the harvest so there will be an even greater welcoming committee for those who go before us.

Today we will travel out to the village and present a program for the indigenous children. We will be joined by many of the nationals that attended the training session yesterday to watch our presentation. Tomorrow they will do the program and we will assist and then on Saturday they will do the entire presentation

Our goal is to fulfill the Great Commission by raising up disciples to increase the harvest of our King!

Sowing seeds

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