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People seem to consistently ask me if I have trouble with jet-lag. By the grace of God, herbs and pharmaceuticals I can reply that I don't. But the whole daylight saving time throws me every spring and fall.

The Road Warriors were trying to make up some miles today and it was getting late. Alec reminded me it wouldn't get dark until 8:21 so they would have that long to ride. When looking at the map we all noted that the last 18 miles of the day were on the highway. Not a very settling thought when you see 18-wheelers zooming by at 80 mph! I was just 6 miles ahead of them waiting at the last exit before the highway trek began and sent out the call for prayer. While I fully trust ALL to the hands of the Father, face it, guys can make some pretty unwise choices (sorry guys). I wanted them to make the right, safe choice influenced by prayer!

It worked, along with the panic-striken look on my face. They ended the day at 77 miles safe and not sorry.

In response to my plea, one of my friends posted about the beauty of the Texas night sky. As we headed back to the KOA campground, I took in the sunset behind the mountains. I remarked to Alec, I hadn't noticed this area on the drive from Dallas. "This must have been where I was keeping my eye on the "sail.""

Isn't that just like us too many times. The circumstances of our lives obscure the view all around us. Our thoughts are so focused on the problem, the pain or the persistent voice that says "this" will never get better, that we forget to take in the scenery.

I walked outside where the two men sit exchanging stories and was welcomed heartily. "Join us, were just chatting, no bad jokes we promise." I told them I was just out to see the stars my friend had commented on. "Too bad, the clouds just rolled in, not much to see now."

I smiled because I know, "Clouds are the dust of His feet." Nahum 1:3

Tomorrow will be a long ride through the Davis Mountains. Again, pray for safety on the roads, for my driving (I get anxious on mountain roads as many of my friends will attest), and for continued awareness for the Wounded Warrior Getaway and the families that will be attending.

"Thank the miracle-working God,
His love never quits
The God whose skill formed the cosmos,
His love never quits" Psalm 136:4 The Message

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"Road Warrior for Real Warriors"

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Financial donations (per mile or specific amount) can be made to the Joni and Friends San Antonio office.

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Road Warrior/Alec Johns
Joni and Friends San Antonio
1370 Pantheon Way #165
San Antonio, TX 78232

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